Tik Tok



If there's one thing any dutiful organization never gets enough of, it's loyal sponsors. Sponsors make everything run smoothly, and they open the door for many amazing additions to the con that might not been an option otherwise. That being said, we'd graciously like to give a special thanks to our 2019 event sponsors! Please click on the logos to visit their websites! If you'd like to see your company displayed prominently here, we'd love to hear from you! Simply fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.

Red Shirt

OOPS! We're sorry. It appears we're experiencing technical difficulties processing your submission.

At least you're not as bad off as that poor red shirt, no?

Anyway... Please check that all fields are filled in to specification and try again. i.e. try using only basic letters, numbers and punctuation. Special characters may not be allowed. Also, try keeping your message short and sweet. The form doesn't seem to like long novels :)

If the problem persists, by all means, whip out your Enterprise issued communicator and blast us a message at 561-331-1683 to tell us all about it.

Try Again


We've received your submission! Someone will be with you shortly. If for some reason you don't hear back from us within 48 hours, please give us a shout at 561-331-1683 where excelsior heroes will be waiting on the other end!